Saturday, June 22, 2019

Kaiser hired attorney Mike C. Guasco, with the law firm of Buty & Curliano has given me a false restraining order, so he could have unrestricted control over my doctor for predatory purposes. He was told my doctor and I were having pleasant visits and when he heard we contemplated becoming social acquaintances, he knew he had to go into action fast! Guasco gave me a false restraining order to clear the playing field and prevent me from protecting my doctor. My doctor 's name was added to a document full of lies and forgeries.of his signature. It was nothing wanted by Dr. Lukaszewicz. It was forced on him through threat and duress, which is the obvious answer; after all, it is the place of his livelihood, by an attorney connected to that livelihood telling him what to do!
Mr. Guasco just pushed it to a further degree and used it opportunistically to keep me out of his predatory way.

I believe Mr. Guasco has been using me as a scapegoat and was worried I would keep Dr. Lukaszewicz safe from Guasco's predatory behavior. The restraining order is a joke.  It is supposedly for gifts I gave Dr. Lukaszewicz for his extraordinary help on my behalf. I was thanked for them. Even in court, Dr. Lukaszewicz said that they were, "very nice and expensive." That shot down the basic premise of the case. They had added in some salacious bit about my having done something to cross personal boundary lines, with my doctor, but it was obvious that they used it only to get a judge to sign off on a TRO. Nothing was even mentioned about it in court, even though that would seem to be the much more serious charge. (Yeah, more than appreciated, expensive gifts!)
It is very odd that TRO for gifts and an absurd false salacious behavior came 97 days AFTER I dropped Dr. Lukaszewicz as my doctor to become a social acquaintance of his.

If Guasco, or my doctor were having a relationship with anyone, it is not my business, but when I am railroaded into a FALSE restraining order, it VERY MUCH BECOMES MY BUSINESS! AND THEN TO HAVE LIES AGAINST ME, TO THROW ME IN JAIL, BECAUSE GUASCO WANTS NO COMPETITION! THAT IS ABUSIVE OF COURT RULES AND ATTORNEY ETHICS!

The strange thing, to reiterate, was that I had dropped my doctor 97 days prior to the TRO being generated, BUT only one week after I asked to have Dr. Lukaszewicz observe my gall bladder removal surgery! THAT is what this was REALLY about! Guasco could not stand that Dr. Lukaszewicz ignored his edict of not seeing me, then come to my surgery anyway on his half day at work. I waited from Tuesday night until Friday afternoon to have my "emergency" surgery! I am sure it angered Guasco that my doctor cared enough about me to risk reprimand (he even visited me while I was still asleep as told to me by a nurse). Mr. Guasco worked quickly and got a TRO served to me about a week later, but it was for gifts and whatever that salacious thing was that was never brought up was so obvious that they didn't know how to make that one fly!

The problem with a TRO is that it is intended for stopping immediate danger to someone! How can 97 days AFTER I dropped my doctor, could it even be relevant? Why would a judge even sign it at all? Guasco obviously had a very lenient judge for his TRO approving purposes, but far too casual for the person it affected! I have observed Mr. Guasco's great skill at lying. It is the 8th Wonder of the World!

Judge Livermore said it was an invalid restraining order, but Guasco changed all that by writing up and filing false contempt charges and serving them to me on a Thursday prior to a Monday court date! I had no time to answer! The false contempt charges were made up by Edward Souza to make amends with Guasco for telling me (with my witness hearing him) that Marija M. Petrovic was hired back to Kaiser, "specifically to get rid of you!" he said. I said, "then that means the restraining order is invalid, because she worked to get it for me." It had all been the product of entrapment. Illegal
Mr. Guasco is melding the idea of time off to become friends with my doctor, to make people refuse to help me, because that would just be an innocuous thing, right?  But I have been treated like a cow at a BBQ, or caught with a severed baby head in my purse! The abuse has been extreme and I have been all alone dealing with it. They know I have MS, so I think it is why they all scream at me and why San Mateo County Superior Court judge,  Judge Novak said terrible, outrageous things to me. She even called me "STALKER" as I walked by her to go to the witness stand.
I was treated roughly at the jail and although, I was sick, they did nothing to help me. In fact, they mocked me. I was humiliated, deviated and vilified!

They know the MS makes me dizzy and nauseated, plus they know I have a lesion on my brain, so I guess they tried very hard to stress me out to make it harm me, or kill me....can anyone say, "attempted murder?"

Mr. Guasco and his side kicks, Marija M. Petrovic, Edward Souza have alwsys displayed cruel and cold blooded behavior toward me. They are all affiliated with Kaiser SSF. in some way. Kaiser does not respond to my complaints. Mr. Souza got a permanent Kaiser job for his work getting me jailed with his lies. How vould someone do that to another person, unless they are a monster?

Nothing good can come out of the abysmal behavior to which I was subjected.

I had dropped Dr. Lukaszewicz so that we might be able to be social acquaintances. I had/have no idea of time frame
I believe Mr. Guasco was worried that my friendship with Dr. Lukaszewicz would ruin his predatory plans for Dr. Lukaszewicz, so he formulated a plan to sideline me. He had the help of Serbian psychiatrist, Marija M. Petrovic to tailor make plans of entrapment for me and used a serious false accusation about me as an incendiary device to bait me to find answers.

I wrote several emails to find answers, when no Kaiser South San Francisco manager would help me (find answers.) Now, Mr. Guasco uses those emails as his "evidence" to extend the restraining order. He was able to extend it by 2 years due to a very "compliant" judge., Judge Danny Chou. Judge Chou barely let me speak and he allowed the so-called evidence to be used against me when I never even saw it! It was the BASIS OF THE EXTENSION!

This entire matter has been  circus! None of it has been proper! Mr. Guasco and Judge Novak lied and said Dr. Lukaszewicz was frightened of me! Why? He is in my will for 1/4 and I had given him all powers of attorney over me, including health care and being abe to "pull the plug" on me. I trust him eith my life, which is why I wanted him observing my surgery, and he did. Then a week later Guasco sent me a TRO under Dr. Lukaszewicz's name, because Guasco was angry that he lost control over Dr. Lukaszewicz. Guasco wants me out of the picture permanently.  

Mr. Guasco claims he can use those old emails to restrain me forever Why? I have done nothing wrong. It is Guasco's personal vendetta. He forged Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature on the court docs and said he was there, when he was not. Mr. Guasco flouts the law as easily as he says hello, from what I have experienced.

The emails were written in 2015, but Guasco claimed they were from 2017. He never gave me a copy, which is against Rules of Court.
I could have easily refuted them by content had I been able to see them. Mr. Guasco has never been nice to me, even though he has done this criminal matter to me and I have been suffering enormously. It has eaten years out of my life I can never get back. I have cried nearly every day. It has aged me and changed me to some degree. I cannot comprehend such abject cruelty.

Outside the court room, Guasco screamed twice in my face that Dr. Lukaszewicz, "doesn't want a relationship with you!" Mr. Guasco has abused the court and compromised the integrity of every judge and other legal official he has involved in it. He is desperate. I firmly believe he wants Dr. Lukaszewicz's assets. Dr. Lukaszewicz is in danger.

Guasco has forged Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature many times in court docs and I worry he is planning to extend that into identity theft. Mr. Guasco has harmed me and my health to a dangerous degree. I need this ended, Dr. Lukaszewicz needs it ended.

So much has been done to me in the last 3+ years it is hair raising. Mr. Guasco manages to block me from getting help, he also obviously pays off judges. He even had Judge Novak and himself twice force the same attorney on me, Charlie Smith IV, who basically only yelled at me and did nothing but tell me to, "SHUT UP!" HE HAD THE JUDGE CLEAR THE COURT ROOM AND SHE SAID VILE THINGS TO ME BEFORE SHE CONDUCTED A TRIAL THAT I HAD NO IDEA WAS GOING TO TAKE PLACE! The next day my face was covered in hives.
Judge Novak had said I had to take him as my attorney, or she would jail me, "right here and now!" she said. She is scary and cruel.

It was a kangaroo court trial! The Judge, Judge Novak, twice reprimanded, interrupted me incessantly and then struck each thing I said. Her attorney for me did nothing effective, but did mostly nothing at all for me.

I was put into jail under false contempt charges made up by Mr. Guasco and the then Kaiser security guard, Edward Souza.

This false restraining order has gone on since Feb 3, 2016, but Marija M. Petrovic, was hired to come (back) to Kaiser to help facilitate Mr. Guasco's intricate, predatory plans at the tale end of may, 2015 to begin her harassment of me.

So, because my doctor and I had a friendly relationship and decided to part to become friends (a waiting period) it obviously put a kink into Mr. Guasco's predatory plans for Dr. Lukaszewicz.

When Mr. Guasco yelled in my face that he could keep me restrained forever, it means until he gets what he wants from Dr. Lukaszewicz. ( Can't leave a witness, though, right?)

I need help. It is my concern for my friend that drives me forward. I believe he is in grave danger, but those in charge turn a deaf ear to my pleas. I believe Mr. Guasco uses terrible threats against my doctor to keep him quiet and in compliance. Mr. Guasco's fears that he will be caught has made him seem even more than frantic; he seemed desperate and irrational. I have complied even with the false restraining order, but Mr. Guasco's unnerving desperation is very worrying to me.

This has been an affront to the American Justice System! An attorney who uses his gravitas and entre with the court to achieve nefarious goals, is a flagrant abuser! He needs to be stopped! He is a criminal in attorney's clothing!

Using the law to forward his own gains and his own purposes is reprehensible! He falsely restrained me for well over 3.5 years now so he could eliminate any perceived competition from me. It is abuse of law.

Please help me to help save a life! I feel Dr. Lukaszewicz is in extreme danger! I cannot stand the idea that kind, gentle, Dr. Lukaszewicz, must be under the thumb of such cold blooded predators!

This false restraining order needs to end, now.

Cheryl Petrovich

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