Saturday, June 29, 2019

Email I sent today:

To Those Persons Involved:
You know, before all this absurd brutality to me over my doctor happened, I believed in our officials and justice system. No longer. Dr. Lukaszewicz talked to me about becoming friends, so when people say all kinds of absurd false things, it annoys me, and makes me lose respect for them. He as well as myself have suffered. He and I are the victims of insane cruelty by attorneys, the court, three judges and your office now too. For what purpose? Punishment? How Draconian! Medieval! What is the big mystery? It is a small thing of two people wanting to have more time to talk about things of interest, beyond the time frame and scrutiny of his work. I fail to understand why the necessity for legal crap done in his name actually because he came to my surgery at my request, but done under the guise of some faux salacious accusation and gifts. The last time I saw him had been 97 days before! Then he came to my surgery at my request and a week later, voila! A TRO!

I have not spoken to Dr. Lukaszewicz directly for over 3 years.

I suffer over this disgrace done to me each day. It hurts my emotions and enjoyment of life. I have done nothing to deserve this awful treatment. Nothing. 

I have been screamed at, terrorized by Judge Novak, lied to, berated, had my rights suppressed as well as my testimony and evidence striken, or ignored. She derided and mocked my mental health. No one seemed to care if I lived or died. I was treated roughly by a deputy taking me to jail, taunted by a nurse who offered me something to relieve MS symptoms in jail (nausea and dizziness) but later came back saying I had to vomit first. How could I vomit when I had not eaten since lunch the day before? Ignorant people! MS symptoms have nothing to do with stomach contents! I was kept from getting an attorney through any means, but given one (Charlie Smith IV) by Guasco merely to babysit me and yell, "SHUT UP!" in my face, not to do any legal work. Who paid him? I did hire an attorney earlier, but somehow Guasco caught wind and diverted him to his side. I guess the pressure of Guasco was too much and he kicked me to the curb. Then later Guasco had Judge Novak threaten me if I did not take the second one, Charlie Smith IV again, I would go to jail. She cruelly threatened me with jail and when I put my head down and cried, she just kept grinding away at me. Attorney, Laura van Note was there. If she is not a liar, then she could tell what happened. She did not have her "client" there with her. He wasn't there to see me handcuffed and chained around the waist and brutally marched away either. It think it would have hurt his kind heart too much. 

The deputy taking me to jail, kept yelling at me to hurry up, but my legs are problematic with circulation issues, so they are heavy and hard to move well, plus my MS can make me fall. He made me get into a van with no assistance. It was too high for me and I had no handle to help pull me in. I found a little metal ring attached to the front seat and hooked my small finger through it and tried to help pull me in, but I managed to hurt my leg as I tried harder to get in. (I saw him pull his ample body in using the steering wheel. )
I was strip searched and had everything taken away. I was given clothes that were at least 2 sizes too small and uncomfortable. My cell was dirty and I was cold, there was blood on the floor. I was depressed. I didn't want to eat. Two female deputies said they worried about me. They said I looked so sad. (Who wouldn't be sad?) They gave me two books to read. (They were a comforting gift from an angel and were of much significance. My angel is quite intelligent....and we have the same tastes....)

I got 1 hour out of my cell. I cleaned the entire common area, plus the shower that had to have housed the world's largest hair ball in the drain!! I kept pulling it out of the drain with the mop, like one of those cheesy magicians who pull out seemingly endless colorful scarves from someone's mouth, or cleavage. A smart ass deputy asked when I could come to his house to clean. I did not even leave enough time to clean my own cell. It is ironic to come from the most ancient noble family and end up cleaning a filthy common area of a jail. I am sure grave held bodies of ancestors were spinning wildly. 

I just want to know why all of the lies and torment were allowed and looked at as permissible. I want to know why illegal behavior had been given a pass. It potentially had the power to cause my death, how can anyone with even a drop of decency, respect for the law and compassion ignore that?  

Why am I not worthy of civil rights? DUE PROCESS? I gave gifts of gratitude and was terrorized into writing emails as part of a plan to later use them as evidence that was never shown, or shared. Why is a victim treated like a criminal? Why is a caring doctor represented by the lowest, most vile scourge of officers of the court, who gives it as much respect as a teenager respects his parents for taking away the car keys as punishment? Guasco thumbs his nose at court rules, decorum and flies in the face of decent behavior, while lying to a judge with his most innocent face, then stepping outside and screaming vulgarly at me and then running away when I tried to speak to him. He is not only disgusting, but a coward too. He uses any means, but the truth to get his crooked way. Only Satan could out do his evil heart. 

How in the world was I ever thought of in lower terms than that demon from Hell?

Our judicial system was never meant to be run like this (with): Forgeries, bribes, lies, torture, mental torment, attempts to harm a person with medical issues, taunting, heckling by a judge, then the cruel attorney telling the victim that it all could go on forever, merely because I gave gifts to a wonderful person and doctor and wanted to be his friend? Does that make sense? A psychiatrist was hired to get rid of me...and she DID!!! Doesn't that mean I was a victim, that it was all a set up? Mr. Souza confessed to me that she was hired to get rid of me as Dr. Lukaszewicz's patient...with a witness listening! She (Marija M. Petrovic) gaslighted me, put false diagnoses in my chart, humiliated me and made me feel shame for doing nothing wrong! She tried to get me to kill myself! 

I KNOW right from wrong and this was VERY WRONG! How can I not worry for Dr. Lukaszewicz's safety when he is subjected to people like Guasco and Petrovic and their assistant, the cruel Mr. Souza? What is their end goal? They all seem to have a great interest in Dr. Lukaszewicz for some personal wants. They forge his signature frequently, lie about his whereabouts. Guasco put him behind walls to keep him mentally bound as well as physically. What would you imagine predators who use someone as their scapegoat want? Not hard to imagine.

This was illegal, what was done to me. It was also illegal what was done to Dr. Lukaszewicz too. It was made to make us hate each other and to stop me from helping him. They create panic where none exists, so they can claim they need to guard him. This entire thing was made up to make Dr. Lukaszewicz their prey, with me as scapegoat and distraction.

Was making an appointment with me on a day off done to tell Guasco I would be in the area, so he could be on high alert and pretend to guard Dr. Lukaszewicz for his "safety" from me? What the hell is going on? That is not the way to behave! What other reason was there for doing it to me? Do you feel justified somehow? I would love an answer, but only the word coward comes to mind, so that's a no. I have more courage in my stubby toe than any of you has in the entirety of you. 

No honesty, decency, or compassion left in the world! Just lies, predators and greed. 
I only believe in Dr. Lukaszewicz, not you, not the court, not attorneys and most certainly: not JUDGES! THEY ARE ALL CRIMINALS! Money is their justice. 

I will write about this and I will expose all involved who treated me badly. I will use REAL names. I have been writing poems about my situation and chronicling what happened to me and will publish it all. It will harm many including: Kaiser, judges, etc. I will pull no punches. It is a unique story, so it should be popular and eye opening.This has been an egregious affront to all the moral and legal standards of society. 
People who wanted to punish me for no wrong doing will not do well, especially those of the social climbing ilk, or those who want to keep their jobs, or reputation. I have no worry for my part, because, unlike they, I tell the truth!


Cheryl Petrovich

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