Friday, June 28, 2019

There is never an excuse for brutality. Mr. Guasco outdid himself in that catagory. 
He never missed an oportunity to terrorize and denigrate me. He tried to stress me out so much that I could have easily suffered lethal issues with my MS brain lesion, which I have no doubt was his intention. Never have I heard of someone in the field of law behave so abysmally and with such disregard for human welfare. There was not one scintilla of kindness or humanity that I have ever seen from him. 

Guasco put me in hell from the moment he conjured up this entire false restraining order to remove me from Dr. Lukaszewicz's life, for his (Guasco's) own personal goals and gain. He was afraid my tentative friendship with Dr. Lukaszewicz would put a snag in his predatory ambitions. He used every possible method of illegal/legal harm and trickery to subvert the law to gain his objective. He made comments and threats meant to cause anxiety and torment. How he manages to get the assistance of judges and others to turn a blind eye to his criminal behavior, I don't know, but he certainly seems very familiar with the wrong side of law. (He most likely uses Kaiser deep pockets). His absolute savagery and psychopathic behavior combined with his palpable desperation, make for a lethal combination. He belongs nowhere in decent society, he belongs in prison for the criminally deviant. He seems to have absolutely no concern for anyone but himself and his wants. People as immoral and as sadistic as Mr. Guasco, are rarely heard of outside of novels of the most depraved situations and vile intentions. He flouts the law, harms innocent people and behaves as if he is justified in doing so. I think a character in a book that most reminds me of Mr. Guasco, is Mr. Hyde. 

His threats are repugnant and his narcissism is more than disturbing. I believe he can be dangerous and absolutely would not be in the least concerned about being the cause of someone's death. He could have killed me and would have been fine about it. Otherwise, he would not have tried so hard to try and make it happen to me. I believe he is pure evil....or at least 95%. 

He cannot remain in charge of Dr. Lukaszewicz. Guasco needs to know that if he harms Dr. Lukaszewicz, that he will be the primary suspect. 


Cheryl Petrovich

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