Friday, June 28, 2019

What I honestly would love to do, is just look at you for a long time, but maybe it sounds weird? My eyes are hungry for your face, I need to be honest, otherwise I would have to be taking a lot of sneak peeks at you. I guess I would be so afraid of losing you again, I would have to prepare by filling up. That horrible man said it was all my own fault. How about starting by telling a person the rules? Hard to know what can and cannot be done w/o telling what can and cannot be done! How about them not setting traps all over the damn place? They lured me and then blamed me for falling in. Those people are too much! Then they beat me up and terrorized me with faux legal crap. I think they need a firm grasp on reality and figure out that they are the bad guys, not me.....or us. Screaming lies at a person is not exactly what anyone eould call fair.

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