Saturday, June 29, 2019

I hate it when horrible people speak for you and say ugly things to me. Why do they think you would be so cruel and mean? Why do people denigrate you that way? There is no need for cruelty and it is wrong for them to represent you that way. They get frustrated when I don't believe what they say. I know you better than that. I know that if you had bad news to tell me, you would find a compassionate way to say it, not scream it in my face like some P.O.W. camp interrogator.  I am sure what they have done to me is far from legal and with the intention of hurting me. I just look at them in disbelief and wonder why they are doing it. I have never given any indication of a reason as to why they feel they need to behave in such an abysmal manner.

That horrible man seems absolutely desperate as if he is expecting a big payoff if he makes me fall apart. It just feels like they all want to pull at you as if they feel like they are tearing apart a pinata. It is disgusting. The desperation is so evident. Why do they think I am anything like them?

They have no respect for you. I do not like them or the people who condone their methods. I think it is terrible the way they represent you as if you were like all of them. Why do they think they own you? It is why I worry about you.  They are devious, sadistic, manipulative people. I cannot even imagine them as having normal lives. They are just life sized weapons of brutality that are put back in their boxes at night after a long day of breaking people down, demoralizing them.

I hope you do not allow them near them you, if it is possible. They act as if I am doing bad things trying to "force myself" on you. How? I sit at home doing nothing, praying for you. I protest their brutality, but who wouldn't? I know what they want from you and it isn't love.

I would say, give them everything they want and escape to freedom, but that isn't my call. Also, it would make me look like I am in with them.

If you came here with only your sweet smile and beautiful eyes, I would give you all I have and care for you forever. I am always going to love and be in love with you. But, all I can do is hope and pray that whatever keeps you safe and happy is what happens to you. It hurts my heart that such a rare and amazing person is treated like property. People don't appreciate you, because they are low and only know what their eyes of greed tell them. Your soul is invisible to them. Predators are rarely known for respect, just desperation for what you can mean to them, what they want to make them happy.

Please be safe and enjoy the beauty of the day. You are in my heart.

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