Sunday, June 30, 2019

I want this over, so I can keep you safe and let you decide what you want to do. I think that I have been used to keep you under surveillance and at some danger, I am not sure. What I know is I feel uneasy with terrible people involved. I will fight like mad to end this. I will keep it under the light of knowledge, so that people know the story and know who would be suspected if they harm you. Someone said to me that I have told so many people what has gone on and by who, that they could not dare to hurt you. I know they have used my desire to know you personally as their reason to become involved for their own predatory reasons. I don't think they understood my tenacity and the depth of my love for you. I just want you to be able to decide your own desires. I want the predators gone. I will spread this far and wide. They did not clue me in on all the details and they did obvious false law and did all they could to hurt me, so I knew they wanted me out of the way to have their own way. That makes me extremely uncomfortable. Too much wrong has gone on for me to feel comfortable. There is much, much too wrong for me to give up. But, I need to keep telling people what I know and suspect, so they will be exposed and you will be safe.
My love is not temporary and it wants you safe and under your own control.

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