Sunday, June 30, 2019

Email I sent today re: this situation.
I wrote to all people I could find who participated.

When I put my story and poems "out there" and I tell everyone about beating a terrible cancer on the heels of my husband drowning, dealing with MS and my family history and tell everyone about the unfair and brutal treatment I received by Kaiser,  their law firm, attorneys, judges, etc and people who were supposed to help, but who instead betrayed me, I believe it will go viral. 
I don't want it to hurt anyone, but they need to learn from my terrible experience and not hurt people like me in the future. This has been an horrific experience and it must NEVER be done to ANYONE else!
I never did anything wrong, yet I have been treated like the worst criminal on Earth, past and present. 
It has been cruel and relentless.
I did not deserve ANY of this and those who willingly participated and showed no mercy, need to learn how to treat people and listen to them. Yes, I am angry, but more sad. 



Cheryl Petrovich

P.O. Box 120

Gualala, CA 95445 

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