Friday, June 28, 2019

My voice has been silenced and had my evidence that refutes any lies that have been filed in court against me, ignored, or swept under the carpet. 

This false R.O. was made as a piggyback to the time apart from my doctor in an attempt to know him on a social basis. It may have been implemented to ensure that I maintained the time apart. Instead of disliking me, it meant that Dr. Lukaszewicz wanted me to succeed and become his friend.  We have NEVER been afraid of each other, he knows me too well for that and I trust him with my entire life. He has been a loyal and devoted ally. 

I do not appreciate the derrogatory comments of outsiders in an attempt to dissuade, or sadden me. It is morally repugnant. Dr. Lukaszewicz would never purposely lie to me, or make me feel bad. He is a person of good character, compassion, support and high ethical standards. Your false words to me claiming as having come from him are despicable and fall under the same lack of moral character as this entire travesty full of lies, torment, forgeries, abuse of court and a complete disregard for the safety of a delicate, innocent human being. 

Are there no people in the field of law who are no better than those they call criminals? It seems that there is little difference, just a better disguise of gravitas. 

The problem that happened with my "case" was the fact that Mr. Guasco had his own agenda. He turned an innocuous waiting period into a free for all attack on me, with no means on my part to fight back. He took the parts of law that benefited himself personally in some way and thumbed his nose at the rest. I want to understand if there is a program in the court system that allows false legal programs to be implemented against a person to serve a personal agenda. It made no sense.  I have been subjected to torment, terror and extreme mental abuse....even by (or especially by) judges.

I am someone who has a more than basic understanding of how legal and judicial systems work. What I face(d) under the opportunistic control of Mr. Guasco was a perverted version of both. It is my contention that Mr. Guasco saw an opportunity to attack me and frighten me off, or create so much stress, confusion and sadness that I could have had a traumatic incident that might have taken my life. His opportunism is either for himself as predator, or is working for a "shadow client" who is intimidated by my very existence. Either way, Mr. Guasco's desperation, intensity and the careless chances he takes, speaks loudly of his anticipation of great monetery reward upon his success of eliminating me in....any way possible; details unnecessary.  

He does not want me to be a friend of Dr. Lukaszewicz. With every blow he landed on /against me, he chalked up as a victory. He has done this to get rid of me, no matter what that means. (Dead, or alive).

Each time I saw her, Judge Novak denigrated me, humiliated me, treated me like dirt, and frightened me. She forced an attorney on me under threat of jail. She railroaded me into jail using false evidence supplied by Mr. Guasco, after he had the security guard create it. I phoned that guard named Mr. Souza and told him that lying to the court was a serious matter and that if he were found out, Mr. Guasco would merely say that he had no idea why Mr. Souza lied and would let Mr. Souza take the fall. Mr. Souza is a few marbles short of a complete set, he is greedy, cruel and dumb...perfect to follow in Guasco's smarmy footsteps.

It is clearly obvious that Guasco has been creating a hostile envionment against me to either mortally injure me, or make me hate Dr. Lukaszewicz for the ruse I was put through under his name.

I am an upstanding citizen of this country and I deserve to have this abuse of law and the court with me as the victim, rectified and remedied. In reality, everyone suffers when our dearest of institutions have been turned into a joke. The sad thing is that Mr. Guasco utilized ploys he pulled out of his own usual arsenal of dirty tricks that he implements on a regular basis, in court and out, against his victims. That is no joke, or game. Mr. Guasco is a predator and a scourge to those who are innocent. What he does is denigrate the very system that gives him employment. Those in the legal community speak of him in the most desparaging of terms. Even (honest) judges have caught up with his massive B.S. and call him on it

What Mr. Guasco did was to kick the court in the crotch with his lies and said it was just for fun. He took my situation, sprinkeled it with a liberal dose of horror movie terror, swung an ax at my head and told everyone but me, that it was all just a joke, that he was just enforcing the doctor patient waiting period on my behalf. Yeah, it was so funny I could have died. It was criminal behaviour disguised as mere harmless enforcement of a waiting period. It was hazing of the sort where the college people victims have died....but with Guasco, I believe that was the real intention. To kill me. 

Mr. Guasco, outside of court, told me he could keep me restrained forever just to add to the misery I already have endured, I suppose. That is sadistic. What is the point of that? Just a little joke?  Were the court and judges just a backdrop to the, "fun and games?"

Sorry, I just don't think of terrorism and falsely putting me in jail as a joke, or funny in the least. I deserve to have this twisted, sadistic version of Monopoly ended. Just because Guasco thought that what he did to me was hysterically funny, does not mean that normal, sane people feel that way.  

It was torture and abuse. PERIOD. Nothing can make it okay, or better. It hurt me and has put significant doubts in my mind about our judicial system and those who represent it.


Put an end to this evil charade now!

Do your job and investigate it!

I need to be released from this illegal restraint, NOW! 

I will abide by Dr. Lukaszewicz's wishes only, not those of some sadistic, absusive liar to the court who thinks it is funny to terrorize and hurt people!


Cheryl Petrovich

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