Monday, June 24, 2019

I think I will start making the Buddha heads again. Remember when I made one that had spices in it? I think I will make them with a variety of natural scents. My renter went over to the new natural health place across the street and spoke with an owner and he told her about the Buddha heads and she said if I brought them to her, she would sell them in her shop. The thing is that she opens by appt. only, so not a huge business that way. There are farmer's markets that I have not been to, so that may be another avenue. There are a  lot of Buddhist temples here, so I could send one to them and see if they might want to sell them.

I need to figure out my floor situation and get rid of my rugs that sit on the bare wood. They have become old and yucky. I have a roll of carpet in the garage, but it is huge! I would need to figure out a lot of things to utilize it. I may have it put in the master bedroom and just go with new rugs elsewhere. I still need to paint the stairs and put a runner down the middle. I was frozen for a long time. Losing you was awful. I so enjoyed life with you in it. Now, I think about you being here and I am gradually moving out the inertia and waking up to a degree. I feel you in my heart and being, so you are here actually. I have my prayers and my thoughts. I must make do. I will wait and if and when you contact me, then that will be my joy. I won't come there, unless you ask, don't let anyone fool you. All I know is that I miss the tangible very much.

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