Sunday, June 30, 2019

I bought this strange little bottle of dish/hand soap and the container was made from ocean debris! It has bumps on it and gives me thoughts of sea urchins, so very appropriate.

Ages ago, when my husband was alive, we went to a beach in HMB and it was so littered with trash, I just could not enjoy myself, so we turned it into a trash clearing day. I felt so proud at the end of the day. How can people be so thoughtless? When I was a little kid, across the street there was an anti-littering law sign. For the longest time, I thought it said Art Linkletter law. Yes, I was "a stable genuis" too. 🤣

As children, my friends and I collected dead animals and had elaborate funerals for them.  We hoped they would rise up and become alive the movie about the cat with 9 lives. Other times, we wandered the neighborhood at night carrying candles. Yes, small town, small entertainment. I made May day baskets and hung them on people's doorknobs. The woman next door screamed at me for it. Geez.

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