Friday, June 28, 2019

I have been so impressed with the amazing way my friend's sister has been responding to ALA being added to her regimen for the pancreatic cancer she has been fighting. Was also reading about using LDN with it too. You should read about LDN. Low dose Naltrexone. It seems to be an amazing drug and combined with the supplement Apha Lipoic Acid, it knocks out cancer. It helps with people who are addicted to opioids. It is also an inflammation and pain reducer. With the amount of opium addictions in the US and its cancer fighting properties, etc; this might very well be something in which one might want to invest.

Dr. Burt Berkson has been using LDN in combination with ALA for cancer treatment and for many other diseases. He is a very nice person. He was a lot more accessible before his practice became so busy, from his success. I had a friend through a friend who was dying of liver failure snd I was trying to get her help thtough Dr. Berkson. He was ready and waiting for her, but it seemed like people around her were resistant to the idea, and they did not take her. She died. Her insurance company was really screwing with her too. Twice, on her way into the operating room, she was denied liver transplant at the last second. They basically just let her die. When I saw her, she was the strangest color of yellow. She would call me and have all ranges of emotions and even yelled at me, or would cry. It broke my heart. Her husband acted like she was a pain in the ass. She got out of bed and fell down the stairs and her husband found her when he came home from work. I can barely think about it without being angry for her. She was a lovely, caring woman. She did not deserve to be treated in such an abysmal way. She lived in Texas, so I was unable to be there for her. Her husband was not friendly anyway. It almost seemed like he wanted her to die. I am sure the toxins in her blood caused her erratic behavior. I am confident Dr. Berkson could have saved her. I think he could have saved Steve Jobs too. I sent him emails and letters to go see Dr. Berkson and I heard he was going somewhere new, but died prior to going. I asked Dr. Berkson if Steve Jobs had been planning to go there, but he said he could not tell me.  He did say he would help me when I thought I had Dercum's. Now, he is so busy that he only treats people who live near his clinic in New Mexico. People move there, so they can get treatment.
I was lucky with my cancer treatment, or actually the protocol sent over to Kaiser from UC Davis was amazing, but I feel terrible that the other people who also had a Ewings family cancer all died from their hearts giving out. That is why I took CoQ10 and shark cartilage. I was the only survivor.  Still cancer free. But I take ALA daily.
After losing my best friend to ovarian cancer, I cannot stand the thought of anyone not beating cancer. I even had Linus Pauling involved and he sent a protocol of vit. C for infusion, but she refused it in favor of only the usual chemo treatments (I think both could have been used concurrently). I still feel terrible. She was the most amazing and loving human being I ever knew. I think I mentioned that when she was at Kaiser SF, I heard they had to hire another operator to handle all the calls that came in for her. She was my son's Godmother. She left a big hole in my life and in the life of her children. Her son is my Godson. She deserves to be remembered.

It is lovely that I have been able to find someone I feel as close to as she. You. It has been excrutiating dealing with the time away. I feel as if I have been trying to survive a serious illness. ALA has not kept me going in that way. It has been prayer and pretending to write to you. Once I knew who you were to me, I felt like I finally found the charger to my human device.  It is like I began living at a higher quality of existence. Everything was better. I loved the feeling that came over me when I was near you. I didn't even have any pain after surgery. I know....I messed up on that front, but who was to know it was a trap? To me, people who set up traps are the lowest of the low....absolutely repugnant. I am someone who cannot receive such monumental help and not say thank you for it. But it was my downfall. It brought out the legal Mafia and I have been treated like a punching bag ever since. Politeness and decorum slapped me down...hard. Too bad rules were not handed out.  Nothing made sense. It was frustrating and ate away at my soul. It has been the most awful period of time. I had a hard time hanging-in-there. I had faith in you, but then I was worried like mad for your safety, so I had double pain. I felt guilty for you going through all the crap. I wanted to watch over you. I craved any tiny information about you, so I could have hope and not worry for another day. I prayed and prayed and hoped my angel would be my eyes and help to keep you safe. It was all I had, but be certain, had I ever heard you were sick, or in trouble, nothing would have stopped me from seeing you. I still panic. Not knowing how you are is the worst. I know I want to visit my angel and leave her many roses and have a nice chat and thank her for listening to me, then go to Half Moon bay and have a picnic. I love it there.
You are never away from my thoughts. I am so blessed.  Most people can only have mundane crap to think about, I have beauty, kindness and love to think about, all in one person....yes, YOU.
I will always have that privilege. No one can steal away my thoughts, or prayers or my love.

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