Sunday, June 30, 2019

I used to have a considerable collection of cookbooks, but when I was moving, I gave many away. I was figuring I would keep at least the James Beard sauces, French Laundry and Julia Child. I am not even sure where the others besides the French Laundry ended up.

It has finally sunk in that movers just think of your stuff as their right to steal, or break. I have had to just forget disappointment over belongings; it has happened so much. Each blow takes me down for awhile, but I just bounce back. Having the Foo dog stolen still hurts and my R.R. towed away makes me nervous, because I have not paid the guy fully. I am afraid he is going to junk it and toss the contents. Hopefully he will wait. He seemed nice.

It's better to "travel light" anyway, I guess, but it should be MY choice, not have it made "FOR" ME!

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