Thursday, June 6, 2019

I was finally getting a chance to get back at the HOA for all their crap done to me. I also want to make certain everything here is safe. The jerks here hated me due to my little car with the rainbow flag, but the ironic part is that it was already on the car when my friend gave it to me. I just do not feel that I need to explain anything to these jerks, or the gardener who was threatening my renter friend.
I have been getting pain in my gut. It must be stress. It has been getting worse recently. It feels sometimes like I am hanging by a thread. After all this time it is actually wearing on me. I need something positive to keep me going.
I do love you and I cannot do anything about it.
Not that I want to.
I think we could have fun. I know it.
I feel miserable. I don't do things right all of the time and basically I am trying keep alive after being beaten to a pulp and in the dark. I have been dealing with so very much, I must be pretty strong, but I am in so much in pain. I don't know if you will even want to see me again, but if my knees weren't so painful I would be down on them begging you for at least one last visit. You are everything to me, but it is all your call. You need to have a lovely life of your choice. It is all I want. What is mine is yours as well as my heart. I am not beautiful, but I would sure take the best care of you and make you smile....and laugh.

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