Sunday, June 23, 2019

I truly thought someone was going to help me with the ugly situation, but instead it all imploded, because I believe he contacted the horrible man and the horrible man used it as an excuse to be a predator against you. I hate to think that people could be so evil. I drove for many hours, dead tired and my legs vibrating. I was hoping the man was going to help me end the situation, but when I got there, I was told it was his day off. He was merely using me to help your predator pretend he needed to guard you. I am only guessing that is how it all happened. I was lied to and I am angry and hurt. I think he was paid off. It just shows to what lengths the horrible man will go to in an attempt to keep you, steal your identity and then....
Please don't let him hurt you. He has no humanity. He would love no one, not you, or those you love. He would never create a caring home.
 Predators don't love. You have every right to run away from that place; it isn't normal. They treat employees like possessions.

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