Sunday, June 23, 2019

I hate it when that horrible man acts like I am some big threat to you. I am sure he makes it up to have a chance to subordinate you and cozy up for predatory purposes. Please never trust him. He may be lethal. Do what you want, but I will always take care of you, not take advantage of you. I cannot say the same for that devious monster, he wants what you have, not the sweet look on your face, the warm welcome of your dark eyes, or the humor that lights up a sorrowful countenance.
Never believe what he says about me. I trusted someone a couple of days ago to help me, but instead, nothing. I think that horrible man used it as an opportunity to grab onto you. We were both used, I believe. The best thing to do is not to believe that liar and tell him to go away. I will tell you about it when I can see you again. Remember. He has a dark heart of evil. I do not.

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