Saturday, June 1, 2019

Dear Fellow Owners,
I was wondering if anyone else has noticed how little wood protectant was put on the deck of your condo during the recent paint project? Mine appears as bare as naked wood. What was the point? It will never keep the wood in good shape. I think it was done on the cheap.

I wrote to Mr. Merget about it, but he never responded. I wrote and asked why he did not respond. He said it didn't seem like it required a response. Really? That seems rather out of touch and obtuse. 

I am going to have to do it again at my own expense, it would seem. It would seem that many thing are done as cheaply as possible here. I truly do not see what our $349.00 per month gets us. 

As for myself, it got me my cars called in as abandoned by Mr. Corey and towed away, when the authorities said they would never would have bothered with them. Mr. Merget made me move them from the parking area and my only recourse was to place them on the street, then Mr. Corey so "kindly" persisted calling them in as abandonded until they were finally towed away. 

The Range Rover was a gift from my husband just before he drowned. I just did not have enough money to get it repaired and smogged. Mr. Corey called it a behemoth. 

Prior to that, Mr. Corey and Mr. Merget complained about my Internet dish and insisted I move it. They "somehow" failed to know that I was in the right and did not have to move it. 

Mr. Corey and Mr. Merget said I somehow killed a plant and blamed me for scattered detritus that their buddy the gardener pointed out to them. The same gardener who spoke threateningly to my friend, because he said he didn't like the rainbow sticker on the little Toyota his buddy,  Mr. Corey had towed away. (I think the gardener was/is not alone in his bigotry.) My car with the sticker was here prior to my moving in and I was treated like garbage from square one. 

Mr. Merget told me I lowered property values. Why? It reminds me of when people of color moved into a neighborhood and racist jerks complained about property values going down and then did all they could to make them feel unwelcome, so they would "take a hint" and move. I guess the same goes for people they suspect of being gay too. The gardener was just open about his hate of people he thinks are gay. He was at least honest, although a disgusting, raging homophobic bigot. He belongs nowhere near me, my renter/friend, nor anyone else who is a decent human being. I will not subject anyone to his virulent bigotry. Better to pull that weed before it invades the rest of the garden. I want his threatening attitude stopped before he flies off the handle and physically attacks someone. 

The HOA has a week to announce to me his removal, or he will be served with a restraining order.

When I moved in, Mr. Corey came to my door with a binder of the CCR (rules) which seems strange, because he acted like he already knew mine were not in my house when I moved in. It was like a child saying, "see this, you can't have mine!" He specifically came to my house to tell me I could not have his binder. Why? 

This place has been abysmal with the cliques, the officiousness and the lack of concern about our personal safety. One should not have to buy a place to live, only to be harassed, demeaned and targeted from the very beginning.
That is not normal behavior. 

A gardener who treats people he doesn't like, merely because of their existence and difference to himself and speaks to a renter/friend of mine in threatening tones does not belong here. I am sure he does his job for a song, since he does not do much and puts the clippings on adjacent property, causing increased fire hazard. He says it is a practice that is endorsed by the HOA. That is foolish. To enhance the fire danger here, especially with a large propane tank very nearby, is to be grossly neglegent. 

Again, the very people running this HOA show a grevious lack of concern for the safety of the inhabitants of the complex. 

I also want to see where the money from our dues goes. I want an audit. I truly do not understand where the money is spent.  I will look and find out how to proceed with that matter and will be certain to get it done. It is an owner's right. 

This has been a terrible experience living here, except for some very lovely neighbors.  But, I would not wish moving here on anyone. It is a perilous proposition at best. It has been a nightmare. People here should be ashamed, but I am sure they don't see their own flaws and are too oblivious and entitled feeling to care. 

Be well.

Cheryl Petrovich

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