Thursday, December 12, 2019

Who did it? Easy!
From: Haviva von Martinitz <>
Date: Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 4:38 PM
I was attacked because I was grateful and loved to see  him happy and for my belief in him. Dr. Lukaszewicz was attacked for his innate concern and kindness and for being true to the very heart of his profession. The R.O. was not for his protection, it was to treat him like a piece of property they considered too valuable to themselves to lose. They don't respect him, nor care about what makes him happy, or scared, or fulfilled; they care about how his subtraction from their lives could impact and inconvenience them. They don't appreciate his humor, his sharp intellect, his dedication, loyalty and devotion, because they don't care about his qualities. They only care about themselves and use him to make their lives better/easier. People like the jerks who set this up are so concerned about themselves that they don't care about what they do to him. He tries to please everyone. He is a true empath. He was put in the middle and it wasn't nice. I was not supposed to figure it all out, nor put my faith or trust in him, no matter how it appeared. He showed me his loyalty and dedication, I was not about to dump that due to other's threats screamed in my face, nor a maniacle judge with her constant threats of jail and then she finally came through with them, no matter how sick I was from MS. In jail I was taunted with the offer of meds that might help make the dizziness recede, but they took away the offer, because I could not throw up. I had not eaten for nearly 2 days, what was I going to throw up? I was treated like garbage from square one of this contrived thing. 
I now know how "justice" runs....I cannot afford it. 

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019, 5:04 PM Haviva von Martinitz <> wrote:
So, if I were some vindictive, jealous, gutless and unbalanced person, and had the right situation (money, clout, free butt licking attorney) and got someone to go along to some degree, like say, by threatening their job, I could put that person's name on a restraining order as plaintiff, to keep someone else, Defendant, away from that person whose name I put on the R.O. as Plaintiff, restrained the Defendant for over 4 years, had them railroaded, jailed, tormented, forced an attorney babysitter on them to yell at them and shut them up, how would that go over? Then, remove the money and the clout, then what? How long would I spend in prison? What would the repercussions be? So, if a jealous woman gets an attorney, who puts her domestic partner's name on a TRO as Plaintiff and her attorney works as an attorney for the place she and her partner work (awkward!) and they forge the Plaintiff's signature (and threaten his job, etc) how far does the blame go? the assigned Plaintiff and I were the only people in the scenario who did nothing wrong (outside of Burka wearing countries, that gifts, really?) ONLY the person wanting the R.O. is allowed on the paperwork as Plaintiff right? But what if their signature is forged? What if they had no reason to give someone a TRO? You can't just hit someone with a TRO for no reason, that is frivolous, then adding on made up contempt charges, a fake trial (2) a jail sentence, all the humiliation that goes along with it, rough treatment, unable to go to their usual place for medical care, unable to face family and friends for 4, or so years, staying basically house bound, having a mentally twisted psychiatrist and attorney often tell you what a piece of crap you are, that the doctor who was always so kind, hates you, having your HOA inexplicably pick on you for every little thing (not allow you to have a rule book) tow your cars away (and unable to afford to retrieve them) no attorney would take my case....(is that happening again? The PD attorney avoiding me....)

I guess what I am saying is that the person who did this, was doing it to punish and hope that I would be the worse for wear by the time this was over. It hurt me so badly that I think I would have rather been shot. Thinking back on all the suffering it caused me, the reams of paper, (I killed a forest!) the flowing tears for years, fighting depression, being terrified of the crazy, sadistic Judge Novak. People not believing me, mocking me, accusing me of salacious behavior, hating myself, but wondering why, since I did nothing wrong! Not being able to face people, family...the people who did this to me are sadistic, selfish, narcissistic, CRIMINALS! I have become withdrawn, unable to sleep, no self-esteem. They used a psy for a reason. I don't trust people. I only trust Dr. Lukaszewicz. They treated him like a puppet. He worked too hard in life to be treated with such disrespect. If I were he, I would fight back legally. I don't know his situation, but Kaiser is weird. He was not a part of it, the R.O. He refused to sign papers, so they forged, he refuted the R.O. in court. He said my name so sweetly. Who else, but his domestic partner would care about a gift, or two given to him? It was her friend, Marija M. Petrovic who was hired to specifically go after me. Of course, like a good little spy, she ran off to Florida. 
They all go off, happy as little clams that smell like roses while I cry, worry, feel sick, lost people, cars, feel anxious and miss the nicest person I have ever known, who looked out for me and cared about how I was doing. Life is not fair, but does it have such a heaping helping of shit to smell it all up too? (actually, that would be an upgrade...)
What next? Cat o'nine tails, the rack, cage of lions? I would not be surprised....

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