Friday, December 27, 2019

I am frightened, but I don't trust people there. I truly think I have painful, non cancerous lumps, but maybe not. I had a lot of tests go wrong, especially that 2.5 hr. MRI and the rough way I was treated and the doctors who would not examine me, or the ER doctors and nurses who said very strange things to me. That place is run by the cruel attorney who said he was glad he put me in jail (yes, he said it in an email to me) what would stop him from having something "go wrong" during a biopsy? I need independent "eyes" to keep me safe. Strange too that Dr. Z was so adamant that breast cancer does NOT cause pain!!!! Later, he called and practically BEGGED me to get the biopsy! What am I supposed to think? It made me even MORE nervous! (Like someone got to him!) I would not be in quite such a quandary if those things did not happen. I just want to be assured that nothing bad will be done to me. I have had bad experiences! How can I be blamed? I need my power of attorney for healthcare to weigh in.

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