Saturday, December 28, 2019

I hope that the real person who did this to me will wonder if she will eventually be found out. She knows she is a coward with no integrity. so do you. She put you through this too. Pretty shitty way to treat a "loved" one. Some day she WILL be outed as a criminal. Then she will know how it feels to be a REAL criminal and coward, not innocent like me. I would never put a loved one's name on a false R.O. just to save face and to keep his money available. Yeah, sounds like "true love" to me. I cannot understand what it must be like to be a monster like that. At least I am not a cowardly criminal....she IS!! I understand how difficult it is for you. I am disappointed I am allowed to be falsely accused and stay that way, but I love you, not your belongings.

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