Sunday, December 29, 2019

I am so enjoying a program called, "The Repair Shop." It is fascinating. There are many touching and historical stories behind the items that are brought in for repair. Also it is set in such quaint bucolic English countryside and the shop with its thatched roof. I love how nice they are to everyone and how talented. I always thought of taking old discarded furniture and making them into art. I was inspired by a shop in Palo Alto where a chair was changed into something magical and of fantasy with stars and various lovely colors of sapphire, purples and gold.
Since "someone" broke the entire antique Japanese tea set that I had from Nan Wood, it would be amazing to have it restored. The problem is that someone purposely broke it with such ferocity the set is most likely dust now; I cannot bear to open the container. At least there are two cups that survived, I am happy for that, especially since  I have one and my dear friend has the other.

It makes me feel like it is an allegory for: "Terrible things may happen, but true friendship will survive anything."

You are so very loved.

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