Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I woke early and I was thinking pleasant thoughts... and one single note played on the piano. It felt like I was being told to stay positive, since not much has felt completely positive for awhile now. I am just floating and will see where I land and go on from there. As hard as it has been to not have direct communication, your aura of kindness touches me and lifts me up. Usually, if someone is gone, they are gone, but not you, you send out strong, silent messages of hope. I am just not always keeping myself open enough to let them in. My sadness was too strong at times to let in the blessings. I am not used to someone caring enough about me to keep up a vigil that way (for me).
My angel centers me too when I am open enough. My emotions can get the best of me at times and shut out what I need to let in.

I will toast/pray for you at the start of the new year and ask for my usual wishes of your happiness, safety, health and to always feel loved. You have been someone who has taught me many life lessons and how amazing it feels to have someone care about what happenes to me. That kindness transcended all the most difficult times and was at the very heart of what kept me going. No matter what happens from here, love and gratitude will always be at the heart of my thoughts about you.

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