Thursday, December 26, 2019

I have such deep feelings of caring for you.


  1. I still do. In fact, I think it is deeper than before; if that is possible.

  2. Could I have 2 for friendship on the front page for today? I have been feeling so down recently. It is hard for me to stay encouraged. Really, each day is a fight for me to not break down. I sigh more than anything. I love you.

  3. Sometimes I say things to shake people up to try and get attention/help. I am usually ignored, so I need to be explosive. I have been treated pretty badly and it gives me insight as to how he is treated too. It worries me. I barely ever relax. It takes a toll in many ways. All I ask for is the occasional subtle sign. It is amazing how much it can lift my spirits. I figure fighting to free him is how I show my caring; so I do. What else do I have going for me? Only my dedication, loyalty and trust; even when it blows up in my face. It does not create the desired (by her) hate, but who cares? She and her desperate criminal benefactor will murder and rob with abandon. I am on the side of good, even though I am treated like shit. I am a wonderful scapegoat. One of these days they will be found out and go away; hopefully before the eliminate you from their lives with a stroke, or heart attack. Take care of yourself. You are loved.

  4. My life is nothing, so who cares if I feel like crap from being treated like shit?

  5. I just hate that I don't know what is going on with you.I know that I say things that might annoy, but if I get irritation in return, all I feel is unknown hate.I get and have gotten enough of that from people I don't like, since I expect it of them.If they do not do some grand negotiating soon; I plan on taking them down.....HARD!

  6. What I have had for you, since I met you, is called love, pure love.

  7. I am down with dizziness and nausea, but I would do anything to hopefully connect. I live in hope and love.

  8. I have been through so much,humiliation, including jail, torture and attempts on my life all in an a plan to frighten me off caring about you. Without being dead, I shall not change my feelings, or opinion.As long as he does not dislike me, then friendship and my love will continue. He is my delight.

  9. I will speak with her, if you feel it will help. Give her necessary money she seems to think she will lose for some reason.She merely thinks you "belong" to her. I own nothing, nor am owed nothing.I love and hope it is accepted, then it is lovely No more murder, or attempted murder there is no statute of limitations on those. Keep a cool head and let everyone ;live in peace.

  10. The sadness and frustration I believe has been making me ill. I have little confidence that if I tell a judge, or another person in authority that he will tell the truth that it will happen. I would rather die than cast aspersions , but it has caused me (us both) great difficulties in our final goal. I can only beg. `

  11. I just love him with all my heart and forever.

  12. Please come and take me with you. I hate being w/o you.

  13. I want to be cherished. That's all.
