Monday, December 30, 2019

I just don't know what to do. I don't feel comfortable with getting an invasive procedure after it has been made perfectly clear what the people at Kaiser think of me. They did not care that I could have died from their abusive treatment before, why should I think they feel any different now? I would be a sitting duck for whatever they might want to do to me.

I am taking mega doses of vitamin C and ALA and I have seen wonderful improvements already in the right breast mass, but at times, I suddenly feel throbbing pain with a mass in my right axillary area and I get a sudden jolt of fright.

I am really in a quandary. What if I went to have it done and "Ooops for some reason, she had a seizure/stroke and died?"
I would ideally like an MRI of the breast, or a CT scan, but how do I get one ordered?
I did not sleep all night and am dead tired.

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