Friday, December 13, 2019

I ordered 6 bottles of organic veggie juice and am thinking of going on a weekend fast. I make my shakes from powdered veggies and I added that to some of the veggie juice. It was quite a moving experience.....I got some fresh Kale and other greens to add in. I take my multi-aminos and ALA and vit C and brain boosting supps too. I need more exercise....
I am thinking the lump pain is just lipedema. I don't mind pain as long as I know what is causing it, otherwise, I put it out of my mind.
Queen Victoria wrote about 60 mil words in her lifetime. In some ways she seems like a kindred spirit. I read that she had a snake ring as an engagement ring; they make replicas. One day, I think I will get one. I believe she was a distant relative. I know I have Haplo markers (?) that match. But my grandmother said we were related to Kaiser Wilhelm, which I believe and he was a cousin to Queen Victoria. My great aunt (by marriage) was a princess, so that is fun. People with titles marry others with titles. My great uncle was a snob to beat the band, but she was not, go figure. There are over 500 pages of titled relations on one genealogy site. My eyes were drying out and feeling tired from going through them. Nowhere close to finishing them. More pressing matters to which I must attend. I wish I could motivate myself to consolidating stuff and sending it to charity. I had already spent years doing it here and in Millbrae. I had 50 years of my relative's things to sort through and for workers to steal. Nothing like a move to make you find tolerance and tell yourself, "Oh well, it is just a "thing". People stole like mad and broke things out of vindictiveness. I saw a man grinding his boots into the top of my piano, he broke my grandfather clock and broke the picture window in the living room. He was an ex-con, but I wanted to give him a chance, but he let me down many times over. I think he thought I was wealthy. Even his wife referred to me as their personal ATM.

Between all the crooks, including real estate agents, they basically wiped me out. I bought my place, moved and that was it. I hate greed and the things people do for it. They become worse than wild animals. If you sacrifice your integrity, you have no respect for yourself. All I have left is my compassion, kindness, integrity and my honesty and it is all I care about. If you have those, you are fearless and bold against your attackers.
But for God's sake, I need a break.

That crazy psy had the Oriental antique tea set broken to bits. I shoved the container away, and will not open it. It is just marbles now. I must say, I have a very dim view of people. I always give them a chance, over pay them, give them things, but they will still rob you blind and treat you like shit. A knife to the heart could not do as much damage. 

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