Tuesday, December 24, 2019

I always wonder what you think. I wish I could speak with you.

Remember when I was having problems with my hot water heater? It is always something with plumbing, isn't it? I usually empty my dishwater into buckets and take them outside, but whole the sink was still full, I could hear and then see water running from under the sink out to the floor. I have had plumbing problems here since the start. I am sure it is why the real estate woman talked me out of having an inspection. (She lied about so much, most of the appliances had/have problems, but what really hurt is that she pretended to be a friend.) Then, ironically, the hot water heater stopped working too. I went about a year without warm/hot water, except heating it on the propane stove. The plumbing company intentionally lied and gouged, but ironically again, I asked my renter to take a water heater part to a hardware store and someone rewired it for free and when it was replaced into the heater, it worked. I was obviously blacklisted in the town and the HOA people acted like I snack on babies. I know those horrible people involved in this crap did their recon work here prior to my arriving (here) plus may have even done some other spy sorts of things (bugging, breaking). I am certain that faux psy is a spy and her legal friend does the faux legal by using deep pockets to pay off everyone. They want you for what you have in your assets, I want to keep you safe and happy, no matter how you feel about me. I want them seriously disappointed and you very happy.  Don't ever think I am not on your side. You have shown me such care and kindness, you are a part of me. I am suffering from being away from you. Just thinking about how much you made me feel so good and how much I looked forward to seeing you. Nothing else mattered. I always thought I finally found again the one I lost so long ago in another life. It sounds so cornball, but so true. I feel as bad today as I did when we parted. I could be anyone to you, but I just needed to be near you. I really did love you the first day I met you, but I didn't believe it. It seemed too fast. The lie detection really highlighted the truth. I can be your friend, but I have to admit, seeing you with someone would be unbearable, but I would still love you and be there for you and give you what I have. I could never dislike you. You mean too much to me and I pray for you each night. It makes me feel so good. Last night the stars were astoundingly beautiful. I think of you when I see the stars now, and of course, my angel.
Be very well and stay strong, don't let anyone hurt you.

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