Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Why would a radiologist act in a threatening manner toward me, scream at me, call me names send me for a mammogram directly after having removed many pieces of tissue from my breast? They left several parts of the story out to make me seem uncooperative, but nothing they did made sense. Why no pathology report? That was supposed to have been done. There appears to be just some vague agreement with Kaiser.  It just sounds like a snow job by Kaiser was handed to your group and your group handed it to me. Where is there an actual second opinion in that? What was the point? To get an actual second opinion, I will need to get tests redone by people who are not trying to lure me in to kill, or turn me into a vegetable. There is no other reason for them to want me to come in before planned. I was going to come in for surgery in July, but suddenly when they found out I could have my own surgeon observe in July, so they were trying to get me to come in before July.  One doctor also said to me, "some people do nothing." I believe it is because she knows it is not cancer.  I also believe the cruel radiologist injected something into me. I need to understand why she did and said the horrible things to me, before ever trusting them with any further treatment. They all thought I should ignore the insane behavior of the radiologist and just feel comfy proceeding further? NO! I was being attacked for a reason; what was done to me was just WRONG! Not to heed that as a warning of worse to come is completely insane and ignoring the good sense I was given! I am a sentient human being, not a lemming! I resent the confrontational way the letter to me from your group was presented. No questioning, or leeway, just presented me as a fat, uncooperative out of control diabetic with worsening MS. Gee thanks! Nothing I had to say mattered! I see absolutely no point to your group! You just mimicked Kaiser, the worst healthcare group in the country, but all I could afford and needed a healthcare group. They lied and kept my doctor away from me, because he is pretty much the most decent and ethical doctor they have. They know that their doctors can commit murder and nothing will happen to them, because they are loaded to the hilt with legal maneuvers to protect them. They don't care about the truth, they care about cover up. See what they did to Jeff Lusk's son Tyler and to Jeff himself. Look him up online. Look up my Blog: "Kaiser Permanente's Underbelly of Corruption is their Law Firm!" But of course, Kaiser approves of their methods of criminal behavior. They hit poor patients and those too ill to protect themselves with pre-emptive strikes of TROs and restraining orders, if it seems they have a good reason to sue Kaiser. They put the name of a Kaiser employee on the paperwork as Plaintiff, then use an actor in court to cry and act abused. Kaiser is as dirty as they come. Since I know that Kaiser is fine with criminal deeds, I am not going to serve myself up to a doctor who wants me dead, so she can get me out of her life, because she doesn't want me to be a friend of a doctor she is afraid of losing, so she'd prefer killing me. I have already been through her attempts using the psychiatrist she hired to "get rid" of me. My doctor came to my rescue and prevented me from being hurt by her. I told everything that has happened to me to the CEO, and all that happened was....nothing! The first one died suddenly, but he did nothing either. Kaiser is a snake pit. If I do have cancer, I cannot risk Kaiser. I will just fade away. Prior cancer I had, I was able to have my surgery done by Dr. Goodnight at UC Davis and my chemo protocol by Dr. West. Dr. Raji Ayyar became my oncologist at Kaiser and she was compassionate, caring and intelligent and gave reassuring, comforting hugs. She was lovely. I miss her.
It is sad what Kaiser does and allows to be done to their patients. It is murder.
Be well.
Cheryl P

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