Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I was the victim of a hit for doing nothing wrong. No one did anything wrong. The vicious attacks made me worry, but not for me. Seeing me suffer was a punishment for a kind heart, but it terrified me for him, because of how badly I was treated. Those people have no respect for human life when it comes to getting in the way of their objectives.

Love was not the objective, keeping captive and acquiring money was/is the motive. I think he knew I was loyal and would not let someone down, if they were in need. Everyone knows who would be behind any harm that might come to him. HB police already said to me, "men are not the only abusers, women can abuse too!" That worried me even more. That disgusting prop attorney tried to make me sound like some twisted stalker, using the police as my "eyes." I used the police to do their job: keep their residents safe, nothing more. It amazes me that the criminals who started this whole thing, whine when a person  uses legal remedies to catch them at their crimes and then paint it with a twisted brush and accuse me of criminal intent.

That attorney shut the police down against me. They promised to do an extra close watch of the area, but the attorney who is a criminal, discouraged them. He kept me from getting out the word to protect and he did to a degree, but I have warned the most important people, namely the DA's office. If I keep myself safe, the more my friend is in danger, unless he has made sure his money is protected, since that is all they want. All I know is that they WILL kill me, if I give them the opportunity. They already knew that because of my lie detection report, money was and is not motivation for me, for anything.

All that matters to me is love.

I cannot be bribed to allow someone to be harmed.  Stay away from danger. If it were me, I would send a letter to the PD telling my story and then tell the person who is harmful, what I did and send copies to various entities, like an attorney and all around.  Stay safe, I could not bear it if you were gone. They beat the crap out of me at every possible opportunity, but it only makes me worry for you.

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