Thursday, June 25, 2020

I have missed him so much and such a lot of terrible was done to me under his name. That was wrong. That was illegal. I will do whatever he needs. They may want to hurt him to keep him quiet. That cannot happen. Of course, the DA already knows who, what and why. My friend can confirm it with the DA's office, if he wants and be completely safe. The attackers must have expected me to be dead by now. They had no "exit" plan and are left hanging with no protection. Witnesses. This last minute cancer surgery stuff MUST have been their opportunity to get rid of me through surgery.They have been so desperate. I don't think they will give up easily. They must have already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this attack on me. They are not going to be gracious losers. He should call Inspector Decker at the DA's office, or write a letter, or contact the PD. When it is over and he is safe, I won't ask him about it, he would need to want to tell me.
Knowing him and picking up (or better) from where we left off is all I care about. They have robbed lives of quality time and I hope we will be able to make up for it, if it is agreeable with him. No one should have such worry, but how can anyone witness criminal activity like theirs and not be wondering what they had planned for a grand
finale if I didn't die?

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