Monday, June 22, 2020

Roof and dish Internet, HOA harassment

Haviva von Martinitz

12:06 AM (1 hour ago)
to Billharry
Bill, Harry,
I told you about this situation prior. As you may also recall the state of California put dish mounting ABOVE the desires of the HOAs! They have to go where they get the best service PERIOD! I have Exceed, I DID have Dish. Both companies have advised me that on the roof is the only place for reception here. THAT is where it will stay. I don't understand why you don't know the rules. I think you just like picking on me for some reason. Maybe you would like to enlighten me and I can add it in to my list.
The New Satellite Dish Law 

Until January 1, 1997, Homeowner Associations could prohibit a homeowner from putting a satellite dish on his roof. With passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, your local HOA is prohibited from enforcing local laws banning, or even delaying mounting of, a satellite dish that is less than 39 inches (1 meter) in diameter. 
What's more, they can't even require you to request permission to put the dish on your roof! And once it's up, they can't make you take it down or even move it unless you have either created a safety hazard (which they have to prove to the FCC) or you live in a historic district (listed in the National Register of Historic Places). If your HOA is hassling you about a satellite dish you have put on your roof or are planning to put up, here is a chance to fight back with the Federal Government behind you! This is a fight the HOA cannot win. 
The following is the verbatim text of a Fact Sheet published by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) relating to this issue. Click here to see the FCC Fact Sheet (assuming the FCC hasn't moved it). If they have moved it, visit the FCC Web Page and search for satellite dish laws and regulations. 

Bill, Harry, I am not going to put up with ANY more of your shit. I will sue you. I will have a co-owner soon and he will not put up with your shit either! I am an eggshell victim and I know you knew that previously, so your haressment of me ramps up your crimes against me as more heinous. Thank you for reminding me to send my email with your info to the DA. I had been busy dealing with my cancer diagnosis, not thinking about assholes.  
Cheryl Petrovich

Haviva von Martinitz

4:36 AM (14 hours ago)
to paulglennJimGaryVictoriaReneMarkMichaelDianeFrancieannjimmartinBillharry
I don't even know why I was added into the roof conversation before 
anyway. Only now you mention 2027! Why?Then after we had already 
discussed the priority issue law ages ago, you bring it up like a 
"gotcha" moment. How about we agree that the HOA treats people 
decently and not like you have fun screwing people over? You HOA in 
charge, need to get your jollies in better ways and stop with the 
abusive behavior. You are old; grow up. You treated me abysmally 
and added to my stress which was a causative factor to my cancer 
diagnosis. I would appreciate answers as to why I was being 
attacked from the very beginning. I was told I lowered property value
, had to move my Internet dish, against FCC law (HOA should have 
known the law) I was told I killed a plant, responsible for bird poop 
down the side of the balcony, and my money order for dues was 
"somehow" was missing and I was not told until months later. I was 
set up to putting my cars on the street then Mr. Corey called them 
in as abandoned, to be towed away (& more).That was all dirty and 
underhanded. I cannot imagine anyone being so abjectly cruel and 
sadistic., especially to a woman with health issues. If I die of this 
cancer, I will have you all brought up as a part of the cause of my 
death, by my family. It has all made me hate the people involved 
ever since. It wasn't erratic, random cruelty; it was something that 
was set up to make my life more stressful. Those two, Bill and Corey, 
must have had some incentive to treat me like shit, probably $$$. 
I resent it and I want people who know the truth to speak up, so 
I do not need to subpoena them to a court hearing. I will get the 
answers. People who know what went on and why, should be ashamed 
for keeping silent. It makes you all horrible, low life people. You are 
all disgusting. I would not be surprised if my new co-owner takes up 
my cause and vindicates me and condemns the heartless, sadistic 
participants. Go to Hell, you miserable pieces of shit.  

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