Sunday, June 21, 2020

I hope your day has been good. I am just in a quandary as to where to put things until I can get a storage space. I'd like to find one closer than 90 miles, but the least expensive one is that far away. I have been such an emotional blob (a lot from the med, I guess) and other more obvious reasons. I've been ordering storage bags to become more organized. I heard from the cruel HOA president that my building is going to be in phase 2 of the roof renewal, so not next week, but did not tell me what date. The guy is such a massive jerk. Ugh! At least he isn't jumping on me for every tiny thing as he was prior. Plus, he has had me black listed here, so getting help with any work is basically impossible. Before I moved in the guy who took out the carpet did not do a great job and I told him so, so he said he was going to smear my name around town. It was a nightmare here, because the K attorney got here first and decided to make my "welcome" another nightmare. "They" did not want a single aspect of my life to be pleasant to add to the other court stuff going on. I am astounded at the complete detail they went to, to make me miserable. They basically told me that I was a piece of shit, so I had no idea why they figured they had to go to such lengths to show me. But they got the HOA to join in and make me feel like I was some infamous serial killer, or whatever. They "lost" an HOA dues payment, which was before I had a bank account, so it was a money order and being the least organized person, in this tiny place, months later, the woman in charge of dues told me I never gave her dues for this date and that date and they had accrued charges , blah, blah. Well, "someone" obviously got a nice catered lunch on me. Funny, after using a checking account, I have not had a single payment go missing. Sorry, it is boring, but just a taste of what they did, plus the dish on the roof issue, the HOA president blaming me for bird poop on the side of the deck and a dead bush somewhere, and told me that I "lower property values!" I think it was because my friend had given me her car that had a rainbow flag on it. The gardener made rude comments about the flag, then stole my great aunt's foo dog I had by the front door. It broke my heart, since it was probably 80 years old, or more. The HOA President refused to fire the gardener for his comments about the car flag and for stealing my foo dog. Tip of the iceberg. It is just to illustrate to what lengths that scumbag attorney went to make my life miserable. He must have been paid a hefty bonus, by "someone" to go after me to such a degree. It has been bizarre....and laughable. None of my appliances worked, etc.
Just to give you an idea of the crap that was hurled my direction.

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