Friday, December 17, 2021


 I get used to less and less. Maybe you just want me to forget anything at all. You won't take chances. It is the only way you will live. They are not kind. They will turn on you, like you did on me. They have more to get from you. I only have love to give. My property is little, but it was only for my heart's delights; not for predator opportunists.I want to go back to when I only knew you were sweet, fun, sexy and the passionate beat of my delirious heart. It was delightful; not being busy getting me a criminal record. I have the romantic feeling of love for you, and your family past and present, but not the crazy. It is honest, naive, but NOT permanently stupid. I am a typical target; large, low self-esteem. Even she, the monster, has low self-esteem and she resents it. 

All I want to do is know you and adore you; I do not plan to die as a sacrifice on the alter of love for the amusement of anyone. I want to show you normal fun and normal caring and respect. Help me accomplish that and rescue you and get you away from her (their) sick perversion.

I will love you forever, but I will not be a victim again. Take me as an opportunity to escape their death grip and do not fuck it over again. It is like you are just smashing your own beautiful face, hard, over and over. Don't hate me for appreciating you and loving you; realise that it is the way it should be. Normal, not perverted. I will hug you, not hate you. Forever. I see your beauty, so should you. Respect yourself. She sees you as someone she can whittle down and threaten. What else can she do to you? She is now even going for your brain. That has been going on, but every now and again you show your resistance. I get less and less support and she gets more of you to destroy.  I want to nurture you. Love doesn't hurt. 

She doesn't love, dear one; she ruins beauty and love. Help me, help (and love) you.

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