Thursday, December 30, 2021


 Hi, I wish I had awakened before now. I took a 10 mg Melatonin and I guess it did the trick to keep me asleep and hopefully is restoring that necessary chemical to my brain that is said to be draining away as one ages. ( I need every bit of help I can get......) 😏 

Have a lovely day and know you are firmly in my heart and always on my mind.

The important thing to keep in mind, is be true to yourself. Helping them only helps them. You only help them look more innocuous and you agreeable to it all by keeping the status quo. What is interesting is that someone in your profession has always been toeing the line and trained to be subservient to rules, not being rogue and departing what is known as law to you. In this case, you need to be a survivalist. Going along will only get you so far. They will never free you. It would be too large a gamble for them that they won't be turned in. If you want to sacrifice your life for criminals, then I need to know, because I do not plan that kind of future for myself. I will do anything to save you, but in a safe manner for all. If I never am given the call to arms, then what can I do? Those people are murderers, they have done it before; they WILL and actually MUST do it again. Leaving a witness alive is an extremely risky thing for them. Don't let them mentally imprison you. You are a wonderful gift to the world. Do not deprive anyone of your beauty.

Sending love.

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