Friday, December 31, 2021


 What can I say? I have been so frustrated by not being able to see you all this time, that I have had pent up feelings that have been festering and wanting to be released. I know I write and say things to myself on my blog, that I might not be able to express otherwise, but I would rather have had the delight of seeing your face and going along in a public manner, but as much as I love being open, being near you tops anything else. Seeing your astonishingly beautiful, dark, expressive eyes that took me in and made me feel like nothing  else in life could ever be better, or passionate. I never expressed those feelings out loud, but it felt as if my heart was saying it for me by pounding loudly. Of course, the person being so sneaky hiring someone to interrogate me under the guise of being a trusted counselor was as low as a person could go; that is a person who feels they have the right to break all rules of the AMA and decency. We have both been treated without respect.

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