Monday, December 27, 2021


 I wish I could actually speak with you. I have been a bit sad, I guess, lately, and anxious, so I am not very up on my writing as anything amusing. I used to get so excited when morning came and I heard from you; it made my day worth anything at all.  It has been that way for a long time, obviously.  You have meant so much to me and are my comfort and my sadness. Your picture is my joy; I don't think I could have gotten this far as well without it. You truly my first and last thought of my day. 

It is a frustrating situation and also extremely worrying. I am so sad I haven't gotten this resolved. I am a disappointment.

I am not  disappointed about how much I adore you. I just wish there was at least a small hello time. I am angry at people who feel they may run another person's life; it is so disgusting.

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