Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 If I were you, I would be frightened too, but you are in a bad situation and you cannot trust them. I understand you cannot know if you can trust me either. Can you get away during holiday confusion? You need to trust someone. I have been through the trials of Hell; I think you can trust me. As a certain president said, "trust, but verify."  I suppose you cannot know until you verify, but right now, I think trust must come first. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose your sweet smile, your brilliant, and kind mind. I don't want to lose the way I feel when I sink into your beautiful eyes. Tell them that if they let you go, nothing will change, but everyone's happiness will become more relaxed. It is just that man, he wants money, I am sure. You see, I know nothing, but what I know of mean, greedy people. Tell them they will be safe, if they let you go with no retribution. I need your safety; I don't care about anything else. Tell them you are just tired and want all of this over. Tell them that I know everything, but will do nothing and say nothing. I just want your freedom. For Christmas, I hope you will find a way to call me. I will also come get you, if you want, because, I want you to be safe. Have you thought of talking to your children? I know that is difficult and perhaps they are too close to her, but tell them you only want what is best for everyone. I think your nephew G would probably think helping you would be a cool adventure. He does not seem conventional. I only know that from when I saw his FB page. What about your brother? I don't know, but something HAS to be done! Otherwise, if it is quiet, call. Block caller ID. *67. Good God, this has gone one too long! I am sure the (My) attorney will help, I think we need desperate measures. I could be lazy and safe, but my heart won't let me. I love you too much. I am not doing this in hopes of money, I was the one who told you to give everything to your children! I would help you because I would want to do it! I have no power, just love. My place is not a fortress, or castle, but no one could break in. Also, People would have a very tough drive to get here and a slow escape route; police would catch them easily, or there could be floods. I am just going on and on out of nerves. I know that man got to Tom. He avoids me, so I guess that is it. I want to be there with you. That is all I want. My place is a mess, but I am so worried about you, I do not care. I want you to be safe.

707 412 0399

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