Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 I was just thinking about when this is over if we could have a bit of time together just to visit for awhile, if you have time, or the inclination. I just remember how much I really enjoyed what you had to say and just being around you. It doesn't happen often that every big and small thing about a person is so enjoyable that you realize that many things are fascinating, enthralling, or that it is  just like looking at a beautiful work of art and enjoying the experience. That is how I feel about just seeing you. I am bad with descriptions lately, but I sure know what makes my heart beat harder and makes my eyes become full of passion. 

I just feel that since we did so nicely together as friends before; it could be that way again. Hopefully, though, they haven't hurt you too much. I kind of thought we could be our own "group of two" to counsel and we could understand what each suffered. I want to help you heal, if you need, or want, because I know it was a lot of suffering and I want to understand it and be there for you, because that is what I would instinctively want to do. 

Remember my lie detection report said I would be happy to only be your friend, even though I love you. I really think being a close friend and enjoying knowing them is as nearly as close as more intimacy, though both are lovely. I love everything about you, but it was nice to know I could just be a friend too. 

There is just something about you that makes me want to always know you. I felt that way a long time ago and I put it in a poem that I may have lost, but a high school friend (who is dead now) who was a very good writer and was someone who loved fanciful stories, told me how much he liked that poem. The poem spoke about knowing you in a past life and how hard I tried to get back to you; that certainly turned true now too. I knew the first time I was able to speak with you for any length of time, that I loved you and that there was a deep connection. Anyway, maybe it is just me, but what a lovely feeling! So, if nothing else, you have a friend who will always be there for you and you can just ask for anything at any time.

Sending love and hugs to you! Let YOU come first for once! I will back you all the way and that will be forever! I am NOT a bad person  just because an evil one said I was, just to get her way and wanted to "win" and feel good about herself, by destroying innocent, good people. She needs help, but you need to be away from her sickness. Please, as I say, if not for yourself, for your children, so their children can know love. Break the cycle of cruelty. 

You are love.

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