Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 If Ir many,  have done worse than the most evil people; then I must be terrible; but I know I didn't and I am not. They created Hell, not me. All I have ever done is love and be loving. I cannot create change without doing something. I think it is called killing the messenger. 

How does one do that? I have been the victim and the one who could only survive by prayer.

I have not lived a decent, enjoyable life for many, many years, because I have worried and been attacked for my life. I have done all my meager income and limited means could do to try and help, but no help, or cooperation comes from the one I want to help.  

I had to listen to the humiliating lies said about me by the one I have only cared about and my bits of joy grew smaller and smaller; now down to basically nothing. Predators and murderers get higher favor than someone who would only risk her life to help. I cannot feel bad about that, because disgusting people who are mentally ill and evil kill beauty. That is wrong. I do not care if people who love them hate me. That is what anyone should want. They can live in their fancy houses of terror and hate. I do not care.

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