Thursday, December 23, 2021


 So, she went to all that trouble thinking she was keeping you from being adored by anyone else.....and it pissed her off when it didn't work and your beauty shone through, so instead of realising what a twisted, maniacal jerk she is, she blamed someone else and figured I would be her scapegoat for whatever else she has planned to blame on me. She is going to hurt you more and blame me. That horrible man was already kind of alluding to it earlier on when he told me that you looking thin was my fault. These are freaky people. 

Do they beat you? I cannot abide by knowing you are being hurt, or being used, or are being humiliated. I noticed that when I made a comment about you looking disheveled, you looked less so the next time.What is this all about? Is it an experiment, or plain old torment/torture? It there a guard?

You know I love you too much to just say, "fuck it, forget him." Let me send someone to get you, or me; I cannot stand it thinking you are suffering. Let me know when to be anywhere. I will.

Help  me; help you. I need to know you are okay, when you are okay. So, if you need me to come get you, please call. If you need to call a taxi and have no money, tell me and you can use the account I am using. Have them call me for the number when you reach your destination and see if you can get cash out. Please, I cannot rest until I know you are safe.

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