Friday, December 31, 2021

πŸ₯‚ New Year's Eve .πŸŽ†

 I wish I could spend the coming of the New Year with you. I have not kissed anyone for New Year's Eve for so many years; I cannot remember when it was; perhaps 1999 awhile before my husband drowned. Any other New Year's parties were spent with gay men either my business partners in SF, or my room mate's good friends (one of whom gave me his deceased mother's dog, Bella) he, Greg, flew up from LA to bring her to me and go check on his drag restaurant, Asia SF  (I need to Google it and see if it is still going). I would like to go and see it, if it hasn't been destroyed by the pandemic. I used to like Hamburger Mary's too and a bar near there called "The Stud". I took off my jacket there and did not see that I had draped it over a burning candle and it caught on fire. It too a chunk out of an area in the front and a man said to me, "I would just put a nice brooch over it!"  Then there was the "White Swallow" where I briefly went with my business partners, or whom I only barely keep up with one, or two. One wanted me to move to his home in the Philippines , but it was like thinking of going to Taiwan as that doctor at the conference asked me, but I have a hard time thinking of moving to sweaty countries, Texas was bad enough. There were nice areas in Dallas, but the bugs were as big as birds and people drove trucks with gun racks in the back and too many people seemed to have a lot of road rage. 

I was too in love with someone to go to Taiwan, but if I had; this mess would have been avoided, but that woman is so crazy, she probably would have gone insane on me there too. She just needs revenge, no matter who, but she sure hates the fuck out of me. If she had any guts, she should talk to me to my face, but she is a coward, so she can only abuse me through other people.  I did not create her abusive, narcissistic personality. I think her parents had a role in that. They must have only accepted her as perfect. I am sure they would not accept her as herself, so she became crazy. She desperately needs help and her negative opportunistic enabler is only making her worse and will turn on her and take more from her and you too; is my theory. I also think that I was, or perhaps still figure into some murder suicide thing for me as the culprit, but now I am so far away, maybe he will have a home invasion set for you as he did the guy with the son who is brain damaged. I do not trust him as far as he could throw her or win a case without K money to bribe everyone.  He has two settings: crooked and crookeder. For sh*t sake get away!

If you need my help, fine, if not fine, but come to me and I will help you as much, or as little as you need. Wherever I am; you are home. Such as it is, but it will be safe and cozy and a nice room with a big bathroom and a Jacuzzi tub. (I just need to take some overflow belongings from Millbrae storage out.)

My request is that I never have to see anyone who had any part of this thing here. I admit it; I hate them. They hurt me, but worse, they hurt you.


   πŸŽ†  Happy New Year to you; to the one I will love foreverπŸŽ† 



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