Friday, December 31, 2021


 I don't know what it is, but even after all this time, all I want to think about is you. I think, "I want to know if he is okay, but then I think; someone would twist that caring into stalking"; I am sure that the difference must be what one would want as an end result of that thinking.  I know very well that if someone wants that person's good health, freedom and fulfillment of their dreams, that is a good and decent thing, but the person, or people who claim and take control over someone's every aspect of life forcefully and keep them from happiness and freedom , THEY are in actuality, the very ones they rail against as being someone/those who are the bad person. It is merely a matter of power and who thinks they know "what is best" for the caged individual as if they are their parent and have the right to keep them restricted as if they are a child and not a grown adult with the right to the control over their own actions and desires. If that is not the case, they should not live in the world of a child disguised as an adult. It is not the controlled individual's problem; it is the problem of the person who refuses to allow them to grow up and be the adult they have the right to be. Of course, they want to have every aspect of that person's life to be their own; especially the fruits of their labors, which they feel is their right, but under normal circumstances is not true; it is actually a hostage type situation and the person in question has every right to be emancipated and living under under their own power. It would be like marriage vows; "does anyone know why these two should not be joined together as husband and wife, or why this person should not have control over his own life?" Something is very wrong in this, because everyone but one person thinks the person is the master of his own destiny, while the other does not.

I think you are in control of your own life; she does not; who is correct? She sounds delusional, not me. Who should be restrained?

You need to get away, so major decisions can be made and others can get mental help; especially if your life is at risk and a predator is going to take advantage of the situation and seeks to harm both of you.

Get away and figure things out away from them. I love you, but any decision outcome must be your own.

I want to see you so much, but not have the restrictive feeling that had always been a part of knowing you.

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