Sunday, December 26, 2021


 I have been shopping Amazon for amusement and for things for my son's birthday (coming up soon). He did have a community garden, so I like guying him heirloom seeds, or the also call them something like survival seeds, which sounds like they are for people in Idaho compounds or like that, but I just think they are for veg growing hobbyists.  I used to have a community garden in Cupertino and it was wonderful! It has been awhile, but it was such a great place to go and relax and be in nature. There was a creek (Steven's Creek?) that ran through and was fun to splash around in with my son and Godson. There were also trees from an old farm that still grew some figs, etc. I love having places to grow veggies and just enjoying being outdoors and enjoying supplying my own food. There was one house for sale in Oregon that was right next to a river to catch Salmon and big enough property to grow veggies and have chickens, etc. The house was all sophisticated and nice, but had a country enough feel to be cozy and relaxing. I like to meld the two. To be there with a like minded person would be amazing!  Someone to love too: VERY AMAZING!

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