Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 You spewed lies and defamed me in public, while I only said lovely words of praise for you. I don't understand. You could have said, "please, I am being held prisoner, rescue me" and it would have been over by now, but instead, during Christmas you choose (?) to break my heart and grind it into dust. That is weird and cruel on her level.

What did I do? Has evil won? Did the innocent die in vain?

Why was I ever even involved? I truly have only ever loved you and been on your side. 

They want your money and you dead. I would give you everything and keep you safe. I must be terrible, huh? It doesn't matter if you turn into them; they will still torture and kill you. Have you started thinking that is a good way to be treated?

All I ever want is for you to be happy and safe. Is that wrong? I am super confused.

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