Thursday, February 4, 2021


 Hi! I hope you had a nice lunch! I just got finished screwing around with the Internet service. They had everything screwed up, so it took too much time to get it all worked out.  (Yes, fascinating life!)  I tried to find another service, but I kept getting a notice saying they don't operate here. I should be eternally sitting and staring at the ocean and solving the problems of the world. (Hell, I can't even solve my own!)

I never hear back from "my" attorney. I beg, threaten, entice, nothing. He is going to end up getting me executed. That would be par for the course! I keep getting calls from the Surgery Center. It is like the sharks smell blood and are circling. They really do not want me to make it to the Court. "Can I get a witness?" :-)

I will have another hotel for the event. I do not know why they must make "it" so early, or more specifically, why I end up with the early times. It must be some weird cosmic retribution; the people who hate early, always get early times for various cruel occasions in their lives. It is like having a bucket of ice water dumped over the head along with a vicious beating.  Much more festive that way, I guess. I am more of a "still up" kind of a person, rather than a "someone rising gloriously at dawn", sadist. I suppose as my brain errods, sleep will be a thing of the past. It will be a matter of having a jelly fish in an aquarium, only one that cannot pick sports winners, or whatever freak thing they do. (Maybe it was an octopuspus)

Hoping to have a burrito for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 

I am going to get back to selling Buddha heads (Sell? Ha, I kept giving them away!)  I was also approached to make earrings for a high school friend who has a coffee plantation/roasting place in Hawaii. She asked me to come up with several coffee inspired earrings and send them to her. She wanted two doz. I made them, sent them, and she never paid. She said they were just samples and that was all. I had bought all kinds of supplies, found out they make coffee bean charms and got bunches of them and researched Hawaiian flowers and got small plastic replicas for the earrings. I had a deadline and worked like a beast to send them in time. They were adorable! (I have good taste) I guess she copied my designs and had workers make them and sold the ones I made. She basically took advantage and did not mind trashing our hs friendship to do it. Oh well, some people never seem to disappoint in disappointment!

Sometimes I try and think like John Irving, and picture how he would write something.  No one is like him. He has a wonderful style. It rolls out so naturally sounding, but with a unique warpedness about it. Twisted. Great. 

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