Saturday, February 20, 2021


"Heart Attack"
A heart can break in many ways
It may happen all at once, or take several painful days
My love for you was very strong
And made my life a charming song

I had a dream I'd live forever
A bond like ours would never sever
Other forces sought us to part
They kicked my mind and punched my heart

I sank so low in great despair
To tell the truth I still stay there
I hide my pain as best I can
Not many folks would understand

You gave me fuel that fed my soul
It brought me back to feeling whole
Divine delight of destiny
May find a way to set me free

I ache to see your face nearby
I'll find a teardrop in my eye
If you'll give me another chance
My heart will heal and start to dance.


(c) HVM 2019

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