Tuesday, February 16, 2021

My text I will send

 I saw the police video. Dr. Lukaszewicz threw in all the things Mr. Guasco forced Dr. L to say (those were Guasco's words, he said them to me himself before). What was left out of the message that was given to Dr. L, was quite significant, which was that I said in the message that I was calling because I was worried about the fact that his signature was being forged so much (aka identity theft) and that I was worried about what they might be planning. The time was getting shorter for the end of a R.O. which made me think they might soon take action. I knew they only restrained me to prevent me from helping him. I gave them my lie detection report. The wrong address was on the warrant, so it was ages before I even knew about it. I only found out about it, because a friend had her sister-in- law, a 🚓 police officer, look to see what was going on with some aspect with my court case. She inadvertantly came up with the current contempt charge. The last was made up by Edward Souza a security guard at Kaiser, which got me jailed. All I ever did was give my doctor a few gifts to thank him for doing so much to help my life be so much  better and saved it at least 2 times. I figured he deserved at least what I gave him. It upset Dr. Moayeri. She got the freebie Kaiser attorney to give me a TRO under Dr. Lukaszewicz's name. Dr. Lukaszewicz was a pawn in it all. He refuted the R.O. in the court. Doubt if it was in the record, since Judge Novak struck most everything I said from the record. I never believed Dr. L gave me the R.O. and his signature was forged which invalidated it. I just thought Kaiser was punishing us for my giving him gifts. But, as it turned out it was Dr. Moayeri who did it with Guasco. Judge Livermore said it was "very well likely an invalid R.O.; I invite you to contest it." Mr. Guasco did a lot of lying and forging in my case. If the Defendant never believed in the validity of the R.O. there is no contempt. But as I mentioned, Mr. Guasco's lies and forgeries showed considerable contempt for the Court. Dr. Moayeri is still having the people at Kaiser trying to lure me in for surgery for the purposely faked breast cancer diagnosis to have me get surgery and then obviously kill, or maim me. An outside doctor who is a specialist in breast cancer said I do not have breast cancer and that a 2.5 centimeter tumor would be easily noticed. I was even given medication with awful side effects for over 3 months. My hair began to fall out too. I have a letter from Kaiser saying I have cancer. I don't. Dr. Moayeri is a criminal,attempted murder, and Guasco is her accomplice as well as participating Kaiser doctors. I filed a PD report. She needs to be prosecuted as does Mr Guasco. Then I plan to sue civilly. False restraining order, false imprisonment, attempted murder, etc.

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