Thursday, February 25, 2021

Call a spade a spade aka truth

 The people in charge need to know what roll everyone played in this thing. No one should have to be a martyer. We need transparency. Why should I go to prison for something that was never valid in the first place and for trying to keep someone safe? I wasn't a spy, or magical, or obsessive. That type of wrong thinking fuels their false accusations against me. There was nothing ever true about any of it against me. We know who it was who instigated it all. Let the blame fall where it truly belongs. Desperate people do desperate things. The guilty will try and blame anyone but themselves. Why would the non guilty lie? We were going along just fine, but that bothered certain people. They interfered in things that would not have been a problem. I just want the truth to come out. That is all that is necessary. As soon as their bad behavior, lies and railroading showed itself, then fear sprang up. I didn't just spring up with fear out of nowhere. I was given clear signals for thinking that way. The things said in the report were hurtful and damning against me. How does one wiggle out of it? It betrayed me to those who matter. One cannot say, "I lied to protect the guilty and to damn the innocent!" Why would anyone do that? Well, to save oneself from reprercussions on one hand, but throwing the innocent "under the bus," on the other hand. It is really only "kicking the can down the road"and buying time for the criminals. Seems judgment is swift for the railroaded innocent to be harmed, but slow to find the guilty as such. I think letting off the guilty causes chaos and breaks down the social order of good and bad. I believe in those I trust and don't expect betrayal from them. Once it has been done, what excuse can be used? Threats were made against them? The person with power is not me.....obviously. The bad people gave criminality a shot, but when truth broke it down, and criminal actions were exposed, all that was left was the testimony of the person who was given token power to deny, or approve of the actions of the guilty/instigators. My destiny hangs in the balance, so, either put blame where it belongs, or go against the moral or ethical choice and damn the innocent person and risk the truth confronting them and pay the heavy price, by becoming one of them. A liar. If the one I believe in and care about, again chooses lies, then veracity has forever lost its seat at the table and will forever be under suspicion, unless the guilty party was using serious threats against the innocent that were persuasive/scary enough to be accepted as truth. I always asked, never assumed I had carte blanche to behave however I wanted. That is where setting someone up and gaslighting comes in. If you don't mind hurting good people to save your own skin and that of criminals, then nothing can be done, but present the truth and hope to be believed. We know the bad people, we just need the courage to expose them. That must be where the phrase "uncomfortable truth" comes in. It takes courage to go up against powerful liars. It takes not only courage, but integrity.

I only believe my friend to voice virtue and truth, not be subservient to those who have power over us. The mighty DO FALL and if they are bad people who are guilty, THEY SHOULD FALL! 

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