Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 That sushi was the best ever! The magaro piece was enormous and so fresh! I have never had any that was better than a roll I chose. 

I brought my organic carrot/orange juice with me, so I was thinking of having a bit of a fast by only having that for a day.

A PBS program came on that is about rewiring the brain into making better food decisions. 

Reverse disconnection syndrome. 

I appreciate the message, but I cannot help but think that it may be just another hype itself, but the deeper message within the slick package is helpful to help reject the the parts that are hypocritical. It is a vicious circle, but I suppose it helps us be less of a victim of what technology is forcing us to be and more of what is better for us.

I woke up sitting in a chair and feeling vulnerable. I have no one else to rely upon, but myself. I feel alone. This entire time, though, during the weird legal issue, I have basically been left to my own devices. I had no real support to keeping reality. I know that I have been cut off from assistance because the person doing this needs cooperation and fear to have his plan work. I have a natural resistance to allowing someone else tell me how to behave, or what to do. I have a "f*ck you" attitude toward people who want to run my life. I know that when people threaten what you need to keep the status quo, it is hard to break away from their control. When people isolate us, they create dependance and and they add in the gravatas of law as backing them, it is doubly wrong. Also, how damn evil is the person who takes advantage of a person's dependency on what that person in control is lording over the victim. We know what they are holding over us is wrong, but they tell us that that what we need to keep the status quo, we must do what they say. They are wrong, because what they do is illegal. They end up making one do what they would not do, if something bad weren't hanging over their head. I would rather see you and enjoy that, when life had more freedom to it, than have someone else decide for me. That is a hijacking of a life. It is antithetical to the American way of life. It is about as close to fascism as one can get. Depriving a person of freedom, of thought and activity takes away their natural ability to make their own decisions. It is a very real form of mind control and making an individual into a slave to the "master's" wishes. That man has isolated his victim into being his own lab rat, or Frankenstein monster. It is wrong. He is as guilty as a kidnapper of a victim as he could be. If a person's brain has been hijacked, the body will follow.  That man has brain washed and controls. He uses deep pockets to carry out his plans. He keeps people from communicating to stop reality from filtering through and encouraging freedom. Obeying, makes it look like it is willing participation, when it is not. Putting a person's name on a legal document and forging their signature is about as much of stealing a person's identity as one can get. It has been mind control and a blatant misrepresenting of a person's actual wishes as it can get. They are manipulating a person to be a puppet to represent their own criminal desires, thereby robbing a person of their own personality. I think that is the most terrible offense against a victim as it gets, short of murder.

This needs to end. Not as much for me, but for you.

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