Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Bee Line

 Really, all I want to do is forget all this crap ever happened, and be "normal." I suppose I would make a bit of a research "spy" but I could never interrogate anyone with hot lights, whips, and some kind of deprivation tools. My empathy would not allow it. I was a paralegal and law librarian, so I enjoy research and finding answers. My downfall, as I have mentioned is things not making sense. It drives me crazy, also, even worse, is thinking someone, or some thing is suffering. I worry when it is cold about how the seagulls are doing because I saw one shivering one time. I keep thinking I wish I could make a warm shelter for them. I know, they are in nature, but these guys have become friends, of a sort. I love it when I can yell out, "Buddy!" and I see it making a bee line for my deck. It is amazing feeling getting through to a wild animal; wish it were as easy with people! :-)

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