Friday, December 10, 2021


 Today is like living in a fridge. I keep wondering how well I would live out in nature? I guess I would either move around a lot, or have a very lively camp fire and stay very bundled up.

I keep wondering if you have the same schedule as before.

My renter took off to play the piano. Any job is along drive away. I like being far away on one hand, but on the other; it is hard to get things done. Also, cell phones do not work well out here, so the voip (computer) line was essential. I am a homebody. I had gotten that way for awhile there even in Millbrae, but you rescued me from feeling so alone and insignificant. You are caring and compassionate. Not many are like that. I was lucky to know someone fun and interesting and who I could listen to all night long and never stop; someone you feel like you have known forever and are a part of you. That is rare and so wonderful. It felt like essential parts of me were ripped away when gone. It was hard to cope, but I did. It hasn't been pleasant, but you do it. I am voiceless in the wilderness. I feel like few hear me and no one cares, except precious few. Precious is the word. Seems that the ones who care are not nice and the one who does is reviled for reasons they, mean people, made up from their dangerous, scrambled, subversive brains. People with power and money waste it on cruelty and derangement when they could be making life pleasure for themselves and someone else. Fun and laughter and love are so much better. I have the love, waiting to give and the laughter is waiting to share too. 

With you. 

I am trying.

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