Saturday, December 18, 2021


 My computer was back to being barely visible on the screen; so I decided to go a bit blind and say "hello" anyway. My renter just called and woke me saying he was on his way back home so I would not be startled when he arrived back. I am glad, because he can let my doggie out, so I don't have to run the risk of running into wild animals, or whatever other crafty creature may be lurking.  I hurt my foot earlier, so I was resting it and fell asleep. It is freezing, so I am wrapped in a furry blanket I use for just such occasions. I made a turkey sandwich that I ended up leaving very muchly for la doggie and she did a very good job munching it down. I had cooked a turkey thigh and somehow it ended up with a disproportionate amount of gristle in it, so I got tired of it. I made a back-up, so when hunger strikes; I will be prepared and hopefully it will be better. Glad she liked it. I hate food to go to waste. The birds are great for fridge cleaning days.

I keep watching the British sit-coms and some are set in the early '20's with all kinds of Noel Coward, etc silliness, so it gets contagious. That is all that is contagious, since, as you know, I am a home rooster. How are you doing? The attorney ended up coming back to life and I guess I jabbed her with the right prickly barbs to get some action and she responded and said she (finally) filed and opening brief! She sounded like she had already mentioned it in an email, but I did not see it. Perhaps it was in a different address than I had been frequenting. Anyway, I keep mentioning your dilemma and saying her lack of action was putting you in peril, so I tried to make her feel guilty. I don't want to piss her off, so I will only gently "poke the bear." I have become jaded and worse, figuring a certain someone usually throws a wrench in the works, but perhaps she is managing to avoid him, or something. We shall see. I hope my fall back idea will work if nothing else; then the rough, covert plan will need to go into action. So, all plans are possibilities at this time. 

Tke care of your sweet self. I feel positive, so stay that way too. At no time will I ever give up entirely, if you don't. We need to both stay strong. I know you have been amazing; you deal with day-to-day insanity, so that takes fortitude. I can barely see my computer screen and it moves, but I always snaps out of it at some point. I will use it untill it gives its last gasp. I was send a check from my mother for Christmas, so I am trying to choose a few things for remaining loved ones; hard with a crazy acting computer. At least, I can send you love anytime and any place and I do. Love and support; like back to my prayer times, when it was all I had to keep me encouraged. Pardon typos. I will repair them when I can see better.  I was resting my aching arm, so it seems to be feeling better and we shall see about my foot next.Hugs and love to you, wonderful one! Eagerly awaiting the day to see you again! 

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